Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy, happy, happy

I spent the most wonderful day yesterday leading a discussion about happiness and its implications for business. It may seem a bit esoteric to the unitiated but there is a fair amount of hard science in the study of happiness and its benefits for us.

The meeting was convened at Harvard with the support of Coca-Cola. Among those participating were Annie McKee, Robert Provine, Ellen Langer, Nancy Etcoff, Marc Mattieu, and Robert Biswas-Diener.

Beyond the hard science was the general belief that a positive approach to life yields greater benefits than a focus on weaknesses and faults. Businesses that want to engage customers and employees would do well to gain a deeper understanding of happiness.

I'll be posting more on the discussion in the days ahead. For now, I'm just basking in the glow of a great meeting with wonderful people.

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